Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Hey Janice Dickenson - Go Drown

So recently I read an article online where Janice Dickinson said she wished her models would "catch a case of anorexia."

To this, I say, "What the fuck?"

In her own words, Janice said, “I’m dying to find kids who are too thin. I’ve got 42 models in my agency and I’m trying to get them to lose weight. In fact, I wish they’d come down with some anorexia. I’m not kidding. I’m running into a bunch of fat-assed, lazy little bitches who don’t know how to do the stairs or get their butts into the gym.”

"I’ve been saying this ever since Brooke Shields squeezed her 15-year-old little ass into a pair of Calvin Klein jeans: Models are supposed to be thin. They’re not supposed to eat. In fact, I’m not going to eat for the rest of the day because we had this conversation."

Janice, get a fucking life. Food is necessary for human life, in case you didn't know. Eating disorders kill - in case the recent deaths of Ana Carolina Reston and Luisel Ramos didn't, you know, beat that into your arrogant head enough.

Be careful what you say, Ms. Dickinson. Some little girl is going to take your advice. Thanks, bitch.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

It's a brutal world out there. Get used to it.

Ever noticed all the "boomerang" kids these days? In fact, the 20 somethings of today are known as the "boomerang generation," and that's not a compliment.

Here's their plan:

1) Graduate high school. Go party that night.
3) About three months later, ship off to college. Woohoo! Kegs and chicks/dudes galore!
4) Spend four/five years partying, clubbing, dating, hooking up, and studying just a little in between. Barely pass exams, blah blah blah, blah blah blah.
5) Graduate college. "Yeahhh, now I can get a REAL job."
6) Real job somehow does not work out.
7) Go back home to Mom and Dad. Sit on their couch all day, eat their food, watch their TV, spend their money. Basically, ruin their lives.

Being a high school student, I see the very beginnings of this behavior in high school. Parents nurturing their kids a little too much, giving in a little too much, not making kids work for what they deserve, etc. How sad.

I've got a message for all you people who boomerang back home or have the potential to do so in the future.


Once you're out, stay out. Yes, come home for a visit. DO NOT STAY. Build your own life. Guys, no one wants to be with a dude who's with his parents - WHEN HE'S 30. Girls, it's NOT cute to live with your mommy and daddy when you're 30.

It's a brutal world out there. It's competitive and hard to succeed - but damn, you've got to learn somehow, sometime. Better sooner than later. So what if you go face-first in the mud every once in a while? It's better than going back home to mommy and daddy. It's brutal. Get used to it.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Welcome To Teething On Concrete

Well this is my first post on this blog - however, I am not new to blogging, so I'm not lost when it comes to this.

I guess I could explain what to expect when you come here. Brutal honesty is for sure - which, when you get right down to it, is not how I am in real life at all. That's why I love blogging so much. I can say what I want. Consider this an active example of our first amendment right at it's finest.

Everything from serious issues to stupid things celebrities do will be poked, prodded, picked apart, and basically milked for all it is worth here.

If you don't like it, leave. I'm not forcing you to read this.