Friday, August 14, 2009

You Have The Right To Free Speech, Not The Right To Be Beligerant!

I'm a huge news junkie. Every day I watch CNN, I read the newspaper with my morning cup of coffee and cigarette, I watch the local news (when I'm able to) - Hell, I'm a fifty-year-old trapped in a nineteen-year-old's body. Every day as of late, I turn it on to see even MORE people practically rioting at town hall meetings over health care reform all across the nation. I have just one question for these people:


You claim to be good people, good Christian people with good morals, yet somehow verbally attacking a congressman/congresswoman whom you don't even know personally fits smoothly in between those morals? I think somebody needs a reality check! Standing up to voice your opinion in a respectful manner is perfectly OK. After all, that's what free speech and the right to peacefully protest are all about. How in the Hell can they sit there and feel good about themselves grabbing the mic and screaming to someone who works for the government, and then THEY get angry when the other party fires back? Either way, I'd say most of the people who SAY they've read the bill really haven't, thus making themselves look even more stupid. If you'd shut the Hell up, NOT believe all the right-wing lies about health care reform and just read it for yourself, and THEN stand up and respectfully state your opinion, you'd probably get a better response, now wouldn't you? I bet you're proud of yourself that everyone got to see your screaming fit on national television.

Just something for you all to think about.